Linux not a blank screen with commands. It is also a fun box. The below 10 commands will prove that why it is a fun box. Let us see the top 10 fun commands in this article.

1. sl :

    The sl command allows you to run a cargo train in your terminal. The steam locomotive(sl) is designed to avoid typo error for ls command.
    It also works when you type LS instead of ls.

    All you need to install steam locomotive using below command.


For Debian based machines,

$ sudo apt-get install sl

For RPM based machines,

$ yum install sl

Run the below command,

$ sl

2. sl-h :

    Don't want to run a cargo train then try running a passengers train with a toll opening gate. All you need to install sl and execute a different command.

Run the below command,

$ sl-h

Press ctrl+c to exit.

3. Asciiquarium :

    Turn your terminal into an aquarium by ASCII codes. This one looks really pretty cool. All you need to install it through source installation and some dependencies.

    Don't worry i have done all the work around just follow the below steps.

Install perl dependecies:

For Debian based machines,

$ sudo apt-get install libcurses-perl

For RPM based machines:

$ yum install perl-Curses

Install animation dependencies:

    Download the latest version from their official site,

$ cd /usr/local/src/

$ wget

Extract and install the file using below command,

$ tar -xzf Term-Animation-2.6.tar.gz

$ cd Term-Animation-2.6/

$ perl Makefile.PL

$ make

Test and Install:

$ make test

$ make install

Install asciiquarium project:

Install the latest version from the developer site,

$ cd /usr/local/src/

$ wget

Extract the file,

$ tar -xzf /home/jhony/Downloads/asciiquarium_1.1.tar.gz

$ cd asciiquarium_1.1/

Change the permission,

$ chmod +x asciiquarium

Copy the file to /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin directory to execute it directly like a command,

$ cp asciiquarium /usr/local/bin/

Execute your asciiquarium,

$ asciiquarium

To exit your asciiquarium press ctrl+c

4. cowsay :

    The cowsay command will print a cow followed by the input you have given. It works like the echo command but the cow as a messenger. Its pretty fun.


For debian based machines,

$ apt-get install cowsay

For RPM based machines,

$ yum install cowsay

$ cowsay Follow Linux Tutorial Spot!

5. xcowsay :

    The xcowsay command is same like cowsay but with some animations included, Like your cow will be painted and it appears in any part of your terminal.


For debian based machines,

$ apt-get install xcowsay

For RPM based machines,

$ yum install xcowsay

$ xcowsay Follow Linux Tutorial Spot!

6. toilet :

    The toilet command prints the input with some special effect. It allows to change the font size usinf -f flag and also with some filters using -F.

    It prints the input with 'm','#' and '"' by default.

    The best feature is it can print the output with different font size and style


For debian based machines,

$ apt-get install toilet

For RPM based machines,

$ yum install toilet

jhony@ljlinux:~$ toilet Love Linux

The available filters can be seen by using list with flag -F,

jhony@ljlinux:~$ toilet -F list
Available filters:
"crop": crop unused blanks
"gay": add a rainbow colour effect
"metal": add a metallic colour effect
"flip": flip horizontally
"flop": flip vertically
"180": rotate 180 degrees
"left": rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise
"right": rotate 90 degrees clockwise
"border": surround text with a border

jhony@ljlinux:~$ toilet -f mono12 -F crop jhony

jhony@ljlinux:~$ toilet -f mono12 -F metal jhony

Some of the available fliters are,

7. cmatrix :

    The cmatrix is another coolest command that will make you feel as an hacker. Yes its true the command will turn your terminal into a hacker's screen with codes falling on your terminal. To exit press Ctrl+c.


For debian based machines,

$ apt-get install cmatrix

For RPM based machines,

$ yum install cmatrix

$ cmatrix

8. Oneko :

    Want to have a pet on your system. Oneko will help to have a kitty on your screen. It follows the mouse pointer so you can make it  run, play and sleep on anywhere of your screen. Its pretty cute and fun.

    The cat also appers when you open other applications too.

    To stop the kitty press Ctrl+c.


For debian based machines,

$ apt-get install oneko

For RPM based machines,

$ yum install oneko

9. telnet :

    We already know telnet command is to test the network connectivity and to troubleshoot. By using the below command we can run a movie in our terminal. The movie is "Star Wars".


For Debian based machines,

$ apt-get install telnet

For RPM based machines,

$ yum install telnet

Run the movie:

$ telnet

    To stop the movie press Ctrl + ] like how you use to close the telnet connection

10. aafire :

    The aafire command pops out a window with ASCII flames which looks like a fire flame on your screen.


For Debian based machines,

$ apt-get install libaa-bin

For RPM based machines,

$ yum install aalib

Enter the aafire command to execute the fire flame,

$ aafire

You can press any key to exit the flame.

    The above are the best fun commands on linux terminal which you can use it in a bash script for highlighting, Like you can use the toilet command at the beginning of installation of an application so it will look good. We will see some of them on the upcoming articles.


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